book review

On the Bookshelf: The Little Book of Hygge

August 6, 2018

The Little Book of Hygge:
Danish Secrets to Happy Living
By Meik Wiking
My Rating:  5/5 *****

I picked up this book on secrets to happy living when I saw the the author was also the CEO of the Happiness Institute in Copenhagen.  Who would know more about happiness than him? I found this book to be completely lovely and everything I thought/hoped it would be.

In this book, Wiking describes Hygge (pronounced HOO-gah) as one of the reasons that the Danish people enjoy the highest rate of happiness in the world, per The World Happiness Report (I didn’t even know there was one!) compiled by the United Nations.  Hygge is the feeling of being safe, warm, and cozy. It is snuggling by the fire, in warm woolen socks; it’s baking cookies or bread and taking time to enjoy the aroma; it’s settling down on a stormy night with a good book; or spending time with your family and friends.  In short, it is everything that is good in life, yet that somehow we forget to appreciate.

So how can we add more hygge to our lives?

Wiking says there are many ways to add that feeling of comfort and coziness; some of these ways include:  adding more light to your home and work place (especially candles), planning time with family and friends, drinking warm drinks and taking time to prepare food that is decadent and hearty, using pillows and blankets around the home, and dressing in warm and comfortable clothing.  Sounds like a perfect life to me!

When people think of hygge, they usually relate it to fall and winter, when we use more candles and wool socks and blankets.  But, Wiking explains, hygge can happen all year. Camping, picnics and star-gazing can all fill your life with happiness and coziness.  He further goes on to explain that hygge does not have to be expensive. It’s not about buying new clothes or home decor, it’s about taking time to enjoy what you have and to appreciate the simple things in life.

I really enjoyed this book, the pictures, the recipes and the information.  I highly suggest it to all looking to add some happiness to their lives!

This book inspired me, as a researcher of my own happiness, to try and take some time out for hygge in my hectic and busy life.  While we all have responsibilities and obligations, we only live once and should take the time to enjoy the time we are given.  

Click here to check out my post on how I plan to add more hygge to my life!


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