book recommendations

5 Books That Stay on My TBR List

August 31, 2018

This post was updated on November 22, 2020

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November is the month that we all remember to focus on gratitude – on things that we are thankful for. I know that you, like me, cherish the time spent curled up with a good book. Reading is such a big part of my life, and has been since I can remember. It has helped me through tough times. It has opened my eyes to things that I would never have even thought of otherwise. And it has introduced me to friends like you – other readers that understand the power of the written word and a well told story.

While reading in general has been transformative for me, there are also certain books that I am grateful for. Each book has it’s own special power for me, depending on how I feel and what I need at the time.   For me, these are like medicine to the soul – the perfect prescription to fix anything that ails me.  There are books that pick me up when I am feeling low and books that inspire me when I need a little push. There are books that make me remember how I felt the first time I read them. They feel like home to me.

Here are 5 books that stay on my TBR list. And today, I remember to be thankful for them.

Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher 

This is one book I read again, and again… every… single….year! Usually I read it around Christmas time, when the busyness and stress of the holidays is at its worst.  I LOVE this book. It is full of English countryside charm. Rosamunde Pilcher had a way of describing an event that makes you feel all warm and cozy inside.  She could write an ordinary breakfast scene that would make you want to jump inside the pages, pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and just hang out with the gang.  I dream about being best friends with main characters Elfrida and Oscar.  

I read Winter Solstice when I want to feel calm, to escape into a world where everything always works out for the best; where everyone has a place and is valued for who they are; where community is treasured and simple pleasures are enough.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

I have probably read this book a dozen times.  I love it because Jane, plain and common, is anything but.  She is strong and sure of who she is.  She is a person of integrity who does the right thing, even when the right thing is hard.  She is not intimidated by people above her rank.  She is capable, lovable, and fierce.  Jane is my idol and I reread this book when I want to feel ready to take on the world – my way.

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery 

What reader doesn’t love Anne?  She’s smart, she loves to read, and she is surrounded by such a lovely cast of characters.  I love this book because of the people (Marilla, Matthew, Diana, Gilbert) because of the fun scenes (smashing a slate over Gilbert’s head; drinking too much raspberry cordial) and because of the descriptive setting.  I have wanted to go to Prince Edward Island since the first time I read it.  I read this book when I want to escape into a beautifully simple world.  It is definitely a feel good book.

Good to Great by Jim Collins

I know… this sounds like a weird choice.  But I am a sucker for self-help books and although this isn’t a traditional self-help, I find that I have used Collin’s principles of creating a great business in my own life and work.  Some of the key take -aways that keep me coming back to this book again and again:

  • Get the right people on the bus – Having the right people in your business and your life is so important.  Collins tells us that we have to make sure that we have the right people on the bus and in the right seats in order to make the progress that we want to make.
  • The Hedgehog concept – Ask yourself 3 questions – What is your passion?  What can you be best in the world at? What can make you money?  This always reminds me that making money isn’t the most important thing.  We have to remember that our work needs to be part of our passion and that we need to focus on what we are good at.
  • The Flywheel effect – Sometimes in life, it seems like things are moving too slowly.  But small efforts compound and pretty soon the flywheel builds momentum.  This always makes me feel better when I get impatient about the progress of my work.

The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes  

I read this book a few years ago for the first time and absolutely loved it.  Shonda Rhimes is the author and producer of some of my favorite television shows such as Gray’s Anatomy and Scandal.  She is AH-MAZ-ING. How does she get everything done? This book makes her so real. She talks about how even though she is THE Shonda Rhimes, she still felt fear of doing new things.  She had major impostor syndrome, believe it or not. This book tells about her year where she decided not to let opportunities go because she was nervous about it or thought that she couldn’t do it.  She would say “Yes” to all new and exciting things that came her way. This book is inspirational and I read it when I need a push to try something new.  

Those are a few of the books that I  like to reread.  What books stay on your TBR list?  Let me know in the comments below- I would LOVE to know which ones you choose!

Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving!


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  • momslovelearning September 1, 2018 at 1:18 pm

    I love Jane Eyre too, although my favorite book by Charlotte Brontë is actually Shirley. I also love Anne of Green Gables but I did not read it as a child. When I was a little girl, I lived in France and the book was nearly unknown there. I read many many times Little Women though and also the books by the Countess of Ségur (they are very very known in France, but probably nowhere else).
    It is interesting that you lhave The Year of Yes in your list. I had read an article about it a few years ago and wanted to read it but then forgot about it. I really should try to read it.

    • admin September 3, 2018 at 6:03 pm

      I never read Shirley! I will have to look that one up!You should totally try The Year of Yes. I think you would really enjoy it. Shonda Rhimes is amazing. Let me know if you try it out. I’d love to hear what you think!